Monday, May 29, 2006


My cake has many layers bitter and sweet.

Satisfaction, wealth, exhaustion, need, guilt,
love, fertility, disgrace, support, joy, flop,
caring, selfishness, struggle, gentleness,
humbleness, laughter, pleasure...

Friday, May 19, 2006

S o r r y

Sorry should never be just a word,
it must come from the bottom of the heart.

Sorry is sincere,
sorry does not demand.

Sorry should be said without asking,
but sometimes even sorry cannot correct everything.

Apophysis fraktals put together with Gimp

Joutsen varoittaa puolisoaan

Apophysis fraktal moderated with Gimp


Apophysis fraktal

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Angel and devil

Apophysis fraktal edited with Gimp